Various Videos
The last I updated you here, my Kickstarter campaign was under way. If you didn’t already see the news, it was a phenomenal success. The project reached 100% funding before it was even halfway through. I’m so thankful for all of my fans and supporters who helped make it happen.
As part of the campaign I posted several videos featuring the Kickstarter rewards. I thought I would gather a few of those here.
The first video shows my We Are One People artist’s multiple. This is a new work I created earlier in 2013 but I debuted it as part of the INTERSECTION Kickstarter campaign. This limited edition boxed set contains my article “We Are One People” (originally published in Georgia Backroads) on a set of 12 cards accompanied by a set of 12 mounted digital chromogenic prints. This multiple is super deluxe and high end. See what it’s like in the video:
INTERSECTION Debut Museum Show
I am pleased to announce that in March 2014 I will mount my debut solo museum exhibition. Massillon Museum in Massillon, Ohio will be hosting INTERSECTION, a show focused around my southern photography. This exhibition is a game changer in my career as an artist. But putting on a museum quality exhibition is an expensive undertaking and I need all the help I can get to successfully pull it off. This is a big step as an artist and I’m reaching out to art fans and supporters, friends and family, and fellow creatives to help make it all possible.
An August Update (In September)
August was a busy month for me (hell, it’s been a busy year with no signs of things letting up any time soon). I thought I would round up a little update here with a sampling of my going-ons this past month.
I showed work from my muse series at a new gallery in Putnam, CT. I was very happy to be part of The Empty Spaces Project’s debut exhibition, curated by Paul Tousaint. It’s an excellent gallery space with beautiful light. The town of Putnam is delightful and artsy (and boasts northeastern Connecticut’s only sushi bar).
muse exhibition opens in Raleigh, NC
Raleigh art collector Geraldine Bryan is proud to present muse, an intimate solo exhibition of new work by artist luke kurtis. Please join us at Community United Church of Christ (814 Dixie Trail in Raleigh) on Saturday, March 9, from 2-4 PM for the exhibition opening and to hear the artist discuss his work in a casual setting. The exhibition will remain on view until 20 April and is viewable by appointment (call 919-787-6422 or 919-787-8494).
muse is a series of never-before-exhibited digital collage prints that evolved out of the artist’s Jordan’s Journey project. Through a detailed process combining both digital and analogue techniques, kurtis probes the areas of spirituality, history, science, and fashion. Where Jordan’s Journey explored the idea of personal and collective memory through the lens of genealogical history, the muse series hones in on a sense of alternate reality. The muse images approach the symbolism of tarot cards or even religious icons yet function beyond that realm. The muses possess a psychedelic fashion sense while layers of scientific and technical imagery bring a sci-fi element to the works. These pieces illustrate the artist’s evolving technique and highlight his vision of a new world where spirituality and science are integrated aspects of the human experience.
luke kurtis (also known as Jordan M. Scoggins) is a Georgia-born interdisciplinary artist focusing on the intersection of photography, writing, and design. He lives and works in New York’s Greenwich Village.
Geraldine Bryan is a long-time art collector and Raleigh resident. She was a docent at the North Carolina Museum of Art for 18 years and is pleased to present the Raleigh debut of kurtis’s work.
Jordan’s Journey art show
I’m pleased to announce a new solo art show of my photography from the Jordan’s Journey project. It opens Tuesday, 5 June 2012, in Summerville, Georgia at the Summerville Library. I will be presenting a lecture that night at 6pm as part of the show. For those who can’t make it in the evening I am also presenting a lecture the day before at 2pm at the LaFayette-Walker Public Library. This marks the first outing for my art work in my native state (and first show under the name Jordan M. Scoggins).
I hope you will come out to say hello and check out my work.

i haven’t posted a lot on this site for a while since most of my time and energy over the past two to three years has gone into the Jordan’s Journey book. while the book is finished the project is ongoing and still under way. but I’ve been a wellspring of creativity lately. i regularly post Instagrams, and did a little painting recently as well. i’ve also got a number of larger works in progress. for Jordan’s Journey be on the lookout for some video pieces (as well as the weekly posts i’m writing). a collaboration project with painter Michael Tice is under way, as is a a book project. i’m also working with author Brian Centrone on some projects. i even wrote a new short story. ideas are flowing. or maybe it’s just anticipation for spring. but whatever the origin, i’m at my best when creativity comes forth.Read More
Take a trip into the past…
Earlier this week I finally lifted the curtain on my new project, Jordan’s Journey. Be sure to check out the page for more information!
Featured products
Now That You’ve Gone and Come Back $30.00
Hang Five $20.00
Vigil $20.00
The Girl Who Wasn't and Is $20.00
Springtime in Byzantium $20.00