Two Mules, A Buggy, and Some Friends

Today’s post is the above photo (be sure to click to see the full image). I don’t know much about the image other than who the people are. I estimate it was taken in the late 1930’s. I’m not sure where it was taken (possibly somewhere in East Armuchee, as that’s where the people are from, though I suspect it could have been taken somewhere along Pocket Road) or why everyone posed for this particular shot. But it’s a fantastic image, so I wanted to show it to you. I don’t have a story to tell or a history to recount. Sometimes, a photograph speaks entirely for itself, and this is one of those images.
Moving left to right, the people above are as follows:
- Burke Pope (driver, barely visible in the shadows)
- Anderson Nuckolls
- Rebecca Underwood (leaning against buggy)
- Homer Underwood
- Ann Underwood
- Louis Keith (behind Ann)
- Georgia Mae Richardson (who married Burke Pope)
- Bennie Pope (in front of Georgia)
- David Grigsby (in front)
- Billy Grigsby (behind Georgia, Billy is David’s father)
- Louis Hunt (far right)
A special thanks goes out to Martha Dell Grigsby Richardson (sister of David Grigsby, pictured here). This photo is from her collection.