
More than just travel photography, these works consider travel itself as art as well as a platform for multimedia exploration

Travel is an important component of my artistic practice, and perhaps never more so than when I first visited Iceland. This portfolio represents some of the work I produced from my travels in Iceland and includes photography, video, and a written article.

I created the “Invocation” (2014) video art piece as a music video for composer Michael Harren’s “Invocation” single. I put this together exclusively from footage I shot while in Iceland. The video features my journey medition walk performance piece.


My “Less is More” essay with original photographs appeared in the print edition of Iceland Review (Vol 52, April-May 2014: 40-44).

Attending the annual lighting of Yoko Ono’s Imagine Peace Tower was one of the highlights of my trip that I wrote about in the “Less is More” article.

I published this documentary video “Icelandic Video Art” in Iceland Review Online (8 Jan 2014).


People who haven’t visited Iceland tend to think it’s nothing but… ice. But that’s far from the truth. There are many varieties of flowers and plant life to discover in Iceland.

photo by luke kurtis

Also, one of my photos was selected by National Geographic senior editor Kurt Mutchler for the online annex of an exhibition titled “The Art of Travel Photography” at PhotoPlace Gallery (Middlebury, VT). The photo, taken at Reynisfjara Beach in Iceland, was also published in the exhibition catalog.

Iceland is a must-visit country–espeically for us photographers. There’s no shortage of breathtaking views to enjoy.

photo by luke kurtis

luke kurtis in Iceland