Join me on Jordan’s Journey

In the beginning, this blog will be made up of extras and outtakes from and expansion upon the Jordan’s Journey book. In most cases, this means the stories and images that just didn’t quite fit into the book’s narrative or space constraints. These extras are no less interesting and will always tie back to the book in some way. Over time I anticipate that my research will lead to new discoveries so this blog will be a place to share those things after the book is said and done (or printed and bound, as the case may be). Finally, the blog will serve as a place to publish corrections when mistakes pop up in the printed text, and they inevitably will with a work of this nature.
Contributions are welcome as are guest posts. Contact me with an idea, and we’ll figure it out!
In my next post, I’ll introduce the primary family names that are explored in Jordan’s Journey.
Take a trip into the past
Thanks for visiting the Jordan's Journey blog archive. These posts have been made available here for continued reference and research purposes.
The original book is available to order from our shop or your favorite bookseller.
For questions or other inquiries: get in touch.
So sorry, I was supposed to get back to you, but my mom has been very with cancer. I have been taking her to Houston for treatments. However, I believe Joyce got you the information I had found at the library.
I am glad to see that you have your site up and running. I will help when I can, but I’m not sure just how much as long as we are making these trips and I am still trying to work when I can.
Happy searching,
No worries, Joyce. Though I am sorry to hear about your mom. Keep checking out the site when you can… I’ll be posting more regularly!
Jordan – I am so excited about your work! We must talk soon. Please call [retracted]. My mother’s family (Millican/Peterson)is most recently from West Armuchee and early on (Kinsey/Brock), from East Armuchee. We are indeed connected!