Coming Home: More Music from East Armuchee

When I asked my mom if she knew of any recordings of music at East Armuchee Baptist Church she at first told me no. Then, almost as if I had willed it into existence, a few days later my mother–rummaging through some old junk–found a bag of old cassette tapes. She wasn’t sure where the tapes had come from but decided they were probably from her mother (my Grannie). One of the tapes was labeled Singing Sermon. David Pruett, the pastor at East Armuchee since 1981, often sang for the congregation. Usually, he sang one song after the congregational singing was finished. But sometimes, on Sunday evenings, he did several songs in lieu of a sermon, dubbing them “singing sermons.”

I got excited when Mom told me she had found this tape (but had not yet listened to it). “Listen to it and see if it has the congregation singing, Mom!”
She did listen. And it did have one song with the entire congregation. They sang “Lord, I’m Coming Home” by William J. Kirkpatrick (found on page 214 of the red hymnal). Dad digitized the tape for me. So far, this is the only known recording of congregational singing at East Armuchee (or any Armuchee Valley church) that I have unearthed.
So now I pass on a bit of aural history to you with the East Armuchee Baptist Church congregation singing, led by Jackie Broome with piano by Linda Pope Buffington. Throughout my entire life growing up at East Armuchee, Jackie led the music, and Linda played piano. This was recorded on 26 May 1985. Click below to listen.
The music from this tape fills me with images and sounds from the past so vivid that I can almost see the men and women standing around me, their music an expression of worship more pure than any sermon ever could be.
What I wouldn’t give to have a recording from the early days of East Armucheee, to hear what my ancestors sounded like as they came together in song. Music is such an interesting–yet virtually undocumented–part of the history of the little country churches that dot the Armuchee Valley. That’s why I’m doing what I can with Jordan’s Journey to change that. Watch this blog for more East Armuchee church history coming later this year.
Take a trip into the past
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Be thankful your mom kept things long enough for you and your sister to be able to find value in the things from the past. Some moms would have already trashed or given away things that later have significance. Things of insignificance can sometimes be treasures and bring back memories giving us a glimpse into the past even though they didn’t seem valuable at the time. Precious memories–how they linger, how they ever fill my soul. Eventually memories will be all that are left and for some memories even fade before they depart this life. Holding on to memories helps to keep people with us long after they have gone on to meet the Lord. Their spirit lives on in our hearts and memory.
Thank You fior what you do!
It was amazing to actually hear! I
don’t have tapes but so many memories
of the foods at Homecomings, revivals,
playing piano there starting at age 10
when Charlene Roper moved away.
I have movies of people at East Armuchee
Church which are priceless — sent copies to
people who should have them on tape.
Thanks Again!!!!
Hi Linda! I emailed you a while back but never got a reply from you. Perhaps you didn’t receive it. At any rate, thank you for reading the blog. I am so glad you enjoy it. I would love to hear more about your memories!
I do have a copy of the tape you mentioned. I am working on a new video for the blog and intend to incorporate some of that old footage! I am so happy that you have that footage. As you said… priceless!